Recycling of backwash water from sand filters - Tamsweg, Austria
1.9. 2023
Pilot testing of ACDeC technology Prague, Kbely
The company ART CARBON s.r.o. is working on the development of another technology using the ART CARBON adsorbent. ACDeC technology serves for the catalytic decomposition of chloramines and thus reduces the concentration of bound chlorine in pool water. The technology will be placed on the by-pass of the main pool circulation, and its goal is to replace expensive UV lamps, which has high investment and operation costs, in addition to that, have been proven to create dangerous chlorination by-products in chlorinated water. The device is completely passive and does not consume any electricity.
International manufacturer of bottled water - removal of pesticides from water coming from deep wells
An international bottled water producer was struggling with the problem of pesticides in its deep well water. We thus implemented a solution to this problem, the ART CARBON Process technology, which includes two adsorption columns with a diameter of 1.7 m and a bed height of 0.4 m. The capacity of the device is 4 l/s.
ART CARBON Process technology upgrade - tertiary purification of drinking water, Bezdědice drinking water plant
We are constantly improving and perfecting the ART CARBON Process technology, which is why we carried out a reinstallation at the water plant in Bezdědice. Two 1.1 m diameter polypropylene columns with steel reinforcements are now installed on the site. The columns can hold a larger amount of adsorbent and thus enable more efficient water purification. At the same time, they are significantly lighter and do not put too much strain on the structure of the water plant. The flow through the adsorption device is 0.75 l/s.
VSH Slaný swimming pool ACPool technology: a unit for recycling wash water from sand filters
In the VHS Slaný swimming area, we installed the second generation of our ACPool technology for recycling washing water from sand filters. The technology has two polypropylene storage tanks, a system of filters for the removal of residual mechanical impurities, columns with ART CARBON adsorbent for catalytic decomposition of bound chlorine and adsorption of disinfection by-products, a reverse osmosis unit for reducing salinity and elements for the final disinfection of recycled wastewater. The technology has a capacity of 1 m3/h.
Installation of a unit for recycling washing water from sand filters - Infinit STEP pool
We have installed ART CARBON Process technology in the swimming pool to clean and reuse the washing water of the sand filters. The technology consists of an accumulation tank in which sedimentation and removal of mechanical impurities take place, two filters for purification of water from residual mechanical particles, three plastic filters with a diameter of 0.5 m and 0.45 m height of ART CARBON adsorbent, and finally a reverse osmosis unit to remove excess salinity. We will inform you about the results of the test operation soon.
Testing in the VaK Bratislava - Holíč waterworks
ART CARBON Process technology is now in the testing process to remove pesticides from drinking water. We will inform you about the test results soon.
ART CARBON Process technology - tertiary treatment of drinking water Bezdědice
In the waterworks in Bezdědice, we installed an adsorption column with a diameter of 1.1 m and two stages, which is capable of purifying up to 2 l/s of water. The column setup is equipped with regeneration ports and there are plug filters at the inlet and outlet of the column. The technology allows on-site regeneration of the adsorbent without the need to remove it from the adsorption column. The aim of the application is to eliminate water pollution by pesticides. We will inform you about the further operation of the technology.
Cooperation on the development of a mobile unit for drinking water treatment in crisis situations
Envipur s.r.o. in cooperation with the Technical University of Liberec is working on the development of a mobile energy-independent unit of a drinking water treatment plant for emergency use in crisis situations. The company ART CARBON s.r.o. is involved in the project as a supplier of an adsorption column with ART CARBON material, which will be part of the technological cascade of the container solution.
The project will be implemented by the end of 2022. We will keep you informed about its progress.
Kerská limonádovna s.r.o.
Kerská lemonade is known for its innovative products, which place the highest quality demands. It draws water from a well in the Kersko forest landscape, which has never been exposed to agricultural activity. Nevertheless, this water contains below-limit amounts of metabolites of chloridazon, a pesticide widely used in agriculture. Na konečný stupeň úpravy vody pro výrobu jsme umístili adsorpční kolonu s náplní ART CARBON v nerezové nádobě. Analýzy prokázaly, že došlo k úplnému odstranění metabolitů chloridazonu a tak může Kerská limonádovna garantovat svým zákazníkům ty nejkvalitnější produkty. ART CARBON Process se tak klidně může stát standardem pro všechny potravinářské podniky.