It uses the extraordinary properties of the patented adsorbent ART CARBON, which is based on modified carbon nanotubes uniquely immobilized (attached) to the carrier.

The key new properties of ART CARBON adsorbent are:
ART CARBON Process technology removes a wide range of organic substances from water, even in very small concentrations:
ART CARBON Process technology removes a wide range of organic substances from water, even in very small concentrations:

Basic facts about ART CARBON Process technology in brief

Certified in accordance with EN 12873-3

Antimicrobial properties

10x faster kinetics

Extensible filter concept

Lower investment and operating costs by up to 50%

Small built-up area

Low operator requirements

On-site regeneration

For all types of water and contaminants

Rapid adsorption kinetics

ART CARBON adsorbent contains a nanostructured form of carbon, carbon nanotubes, with unique adsorption properties. Unlike granular activated carbon, adsorption occurs on the outer surface of carbon nanotubes, which is easily accessible and therefore the adsorption of pollutants from solution is up to 10 times faster.

See the difference in adsorption rate (kinetics) between ART CARBON adsorbent and granular activated carbon in the video below:

How does it work?

Take a look at the animated process diagram of ART CARBON Process technology. From adsorption through regeneration to re-commissioning.

Antimicrobial and antiviral properties

ART CARBON adsorption material has passive antimicrobial effects. Therefore, It can reduce the number of microorganisms in water without the use of chemicals. ART CARBON is also able to remove rotavirus A particles from water.


This is what the regenerate with the chemicals removed from the drinking water treatment plant like looks.

Try ART CARBON Process


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